Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Meeting Some of My Fellow Bloggers

While writing my post from yesterday, I came across a very fascinating blog. It is titled Alison's Physical Therapy Blog. I feel like I am starting to become a real "blogger" because I am constantly on the look out for other physical therapy blogs now. Her blog specifically interests me because provides so much useful information about what a profession is like as a physical therapist. It shows me exactly what she does and learns on a typical day of work. Not only that, but it also provides advice and tips to the people reading her blog. One of her posts mentions some of the rehab challenges she has seen in her patients. She explains, "I have seen my patients struggle with is the "why me" mindset. Having a catastrophic accident is life altering-  no 2 ways about it – but you have to dedicate yourself to rehab, give it all you’ve got and not sit around moping day after day. It’s the very rare rehab patient who doesn’t have a bad day mentally – but try to stay in control and look forward towards recovering and not backwards to the way things were. Life can be altered, sometimes irreversibly, in a split second – you are dealing with the consequences for months, years or sometimes for the rest of your life. There are plenty of people out there to help you – don’t be afraid to ask for help" (Alison Par. 5). She has been in the field of physical therapy for almost twenty years now, so she has seen many patients come through with this mindset. I think it is great that she is willing to blog about the ways to overcome challenges while in rehabilitation. I am going to continue to check up on her blog so I can keep learning about the profession.

Work Cited: 

"Back Pain Tip of the Day." Alison's Physical Therapy Blog. N.p., Sept. 2006. Web. 10 Sept. 2012. <http://physicaltherapyblog.wordpress.com/>.

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