Since Michigan State University does not specifically
offer a physical therapy major, I have been looking into other schools that offer
graduate programs for physical therapists. I have also been looking at some of
the requirements and prerequisites that I will need to complete in order to
attend graduate school. I found an article that listed some of the required
courses. I learned that general biology, chemistry, physics, anatomy, and
physiology courses are all required for a physical therapy major. The article
talks about what a person does at graduate school. It explains there is training and at training
a person will learn how to diagnose patients, how to communicate with patients,
and also how to handle various situations. The article also lists some graduate
schools that have very good physical therapy programs. It mentions that the
University of Southern California and the University of Delaware have the best physical
therapy programs. This makes me realize that I should be taking many of my
science courses early in my college career so that I will be prepared when I
graduate. It also makes me think about where I want to end up when I graduate
because it would be a good idea to base my graduate school around that.
Work Cited:
Therapy Schools – General Information for Interested Students ." Physical
Therapy Schools Guide. Education Theme on Genesis Framework, 5 June 2012.
Web. 30 Sept. 2012.
I can definitely relate to you in relation to your need to attend graduate school. It is something that I have to do as well, but I fortunately will attend Michigan State University for my fifth year. It is very good that you are proactive in your search for a graduate school. It is also important that you are dissecting the curriculum and finding out what prerequisites are necessary to guarantee your success in the program. Finally, I think it is a great idea to attend graduate school for the obvious reason that you will be more profitable when it comes time to apply for jobs and internships. Best of luck in your continued research!